L международная выставка-презентация
научных, технических, учебно-методических и литературно-художественных изданий

Engineering and technology, device, program, system, and method for full- format recording and reading information on a multilayer, three-dimensional optical storage of information, including for use in the production of special technological equipment complexes, including for computer modeling using complex adapted artificial intelligence

НазваниеEngineering and technology, device, program, system, and method for full- format recording and reading information on a multilayer, three-dimensional optical storage of information, including for use in the production of special technological equipment complexes, including for computer modeling using complex adapted artificial intelligence
Разработчик (Авторы)Пилюгин Константин Анатольевич
Вид объекта патентного праваИзобретение
Регистрационный номер US 62/742.282
Дата регистрации06.10.2018
Медаль имени А.Нобеля
Изобретение "Engineering and technology, device, program, system, and method for full- format recording and reading information on a multilayer, three-dimensional optical storage of information, including for use in the production of special technological equipment complexes, including for computer modeling using complex adapted artificial intelligence" (Пилюгин Константин Анатольевич) отмечено юбилейной наградой (25 лет Российской Академии Естествознания)
Медаль Альфреда Нобеля