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Apparatus, system, program and complex online method of dynamic control or monitoring of the content and flow of fluid in the pipeline, including system software adaptation of artificial intelligence elements and artificial neural networks

НазваниеApparatus, system, program and complex online method of dynamic control or monitoring of the content and flow of fluid in the pipeline, including system software adaptation of artificial intelligence elements and artificial neural networks
Разработчик (Авторы)Пилюгин Константин Анатольевич
Вид объекта патентного праваИзобретение
Регистрационный номер US 62/876640
Дата регистрации20.07.2019
Медаль имени А.Нобеля
Изобретение "Apparatus, system, program and complex online method of dynamic control or monitoring of the content and flow of fluid in the pipeline, including system software adaptation of artificial intelligence elements and artificial neural networks" (Пилюгин Константин Анатольевич) отмечено юбилейной наградой (25 лет Российской Академии Естествознания)
Медаль Альфреда Нобеля