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Реальные призраки. Криптобиология и криптогеография

ГруппаУчебная литература
Название на русском языкеРеальные призраки. Криптобиология и криптогеография
Авторы на русском языкеВиноградов А.В.


This is a popular scientific book written in interesting, intriguing and educative style. The work of A.V.Vinogradov is up to high world standard. The author, biologist and paleontologist, continues the traditions of famous cryptozoologists B.Houvelmans, I.T.Sanderson, I.I.Akimuchkin, B.F.Porshnev, V.B.Sapunov etc. This book is about cryptobiology and cryptogeography. These sciences study very rare and mythological species of animals, plants and mysterious places on the Earth. The ideas of these sciences are widely used in fiction, feature films and mass media: films “King-Kong”, ”Jaws”(about giant shark),”Jurassic park” and works of great writers A.Conan Doyle, H.G.Wells, R.Kipling, E.Burroughs (about Tarzan) form the basis of this study. The author of the book is a famous specialist (biologist, paleontologist, ecologist, bryozoologist, hydrobiologist, geographer, historian, journalist) who worked at the research expeditions to the Siberia, Baltic region, Yakutia, Volga region, Middle Asia, Сentral Asia and others. He is museum and nature conservancy expert. The book contains his rich life experience and comprehensive bibliography.

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