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Natural factors that can create danger for that part of the Baki-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipe-line passing through the Azerbaijan Republic and intending measures for preservation

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Название на русском языкеNatural factors that can create danger for that part of the Baki-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipe-line passing through the Azerbaijan Republic and intending measures for preservation
Авторы на русском языкеBabayev M.P., Azizov G.Z., Mustafayev M.G., Jafarov A.M.
Название на английском языкеЕстественные факторы, создающие опасность для той части нефтепровода Баку-Тбилиси-Джейхан, которая проходит через территорию Азербайджанской Республики и рекомендуемые защитные мероприятия
Авторы на английском языкеБабаев М.П., Азизов Г.З., Мустафаев М.Г., Джафаров А.М.
Издательство на русском языкеElm” publishing, 2012, p


By analysing the results of the soil researches carried out in the part of the Baki-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipe passing through the Azerbaijan Republic it was investigated how they will influence on oil pipe.

It was defined as a result of the researches that the factors as torrent waters and turbulent which created during strong atmospheric rainfalls and soil saltiness mineralization of subsoil waters could influence on pipe-line.

The soil saltness and mineralization of subsoil waters can be a cause for acceleration of corrosion process in the oil pipes and torrent waters, turbulents can be a reason for their destruction.

The corrosion process can occur in the places where the salt quantity is more than 2.0% and subsoil waters quantity is higher than 30g/l and intensity, but destruction because of atmospheric rainfalls can happen in the period of falling of two-month norm of rain on the mountains covered with snow in spring for some hours.

For preservation of the oil pipe-line from corrosion the meliorative measures must be carried out in the places where salinity and subsoil water mineralization are high in order to reduce saltness and mineralization, but additional fastening works have to be conducted in the places where the line crosses the river-beds in order to prevent from the destruction formed by torrent waters and turbulent.

Издание "Natural factors that can create danger for that part of the Baki-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipe-line passing through the Azerbaijan Republic and intending measures for preservation" (Babayev M.P., Azizov G.Z., Mustafayev M.G., Jafarov A.M.) отмечено наградой