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Development and research of optical pulse shaping devices

ГруппаНаучная литература
Название на русском языкеDevelopment and research of optical pulse shaping devices
Авторы на русском языкеUmbetov A.U.
Название на английском языкеРазработка и исследование устройств формирования оптических импульсов
Авторы на английском языкеУмбетов А.У.


The monograph examines the emitting light sources, including laser sources, the possibilities of their use in the field of optical location, communication and optical methods of information processing. The main purpose of writing the monograph: the study of the formation of pulsed light sources, including laser sources, tunable duration and frequent trace pulses. Scientific novelty: the possibilities of applied research in the field of optical location, communication and optical methods of information processing are considered. Scientific Importance: The use of optical-acoustic spatial modulators and ultrasonic light modulators to enter information into the optical system, which allows you to create real-time signal processing devices, is considered.

The work considers the creation of pulsed light sources, including laser sources with tunable duration and pulse repetition rate. The relevance of the work is associated with intensive ongoing applied research in the field of optical location, communication, and optical information processing methods. The use of optical-acoustic spatial modulators and ultrasonic light modulators for inputting information into the optical system, which allows creating signal processing devices in real time, is also considered.

The work is of interest to specialists and students of the specialty «Physics», dealing with the development and research of optical pulse shaping devices.

There are various devices that generate pulses of short duration: pulsed lasers and pulsed lamps. Along with this, there are devices that produce output color pulses of short duration when entering the input of continuous radiation. These are modulators of various types: a modulator with a Kerr cell, diffraction modulators, an electro-optical modulator on the Pockels effect, and others. The relevance of the work on the creation of pulsed light sources, including laser sources with tunable duration and pulse repetition rate, is associated with intensive applied research in the field of optical location, communication and optical methods of information processing. Among the currently developed methods of generating high-power short pulses of coherent optical radiation is the method of using in the OCG resonators with controlled q-factor with active and passive optical gates.

These are okgs on ruby and neodymium glass, for which the pulse durations of the order IO-20 NS are achieved. In this case, the speed of rotation of the mirror is a very important parameter of OCG. It is experimentally established that the number of generated pulses at a given pump power decreases with increasing mirror rotation speed, and the pulse power decreases markedly.

The monograph is intended for students and undergraduates of higher educational institutions.

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