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High performance catalyst synthesis cyclohexane system

ГруппаНаучная литература
Область науки
Естественные науки
Название на русском языкеHigh performance catalyst synthesis cyclohexane system
Авторы на русском языкеTashkaraev R.A.


The monograph presents methods for developing a technology for obtaining cyclohexane by catalytic hydrogenation of benzene in the liquid phase on Ferroalloy-promoted skeletal Nickel catalysts with high activity, selectivity, stability, performance and long service life.

The paper synthesizes and studies the structure and adsorption properties of modified aluminum-Nickel catalysts. New theoretical and experimental data on the relationship between the catalytic and adsorption properties, chemical, phase and granulometric compositions, and the porous structure of modified aluminum-Nickel alloy catalysts were obtained, and kinetic regularities of cyclohexane formation in the presence of these catalysts were established. Optimal activation conditions for modified aluminum-Nickel catalysts have been developed. Hydrogenation of benzene on aluminum-Nickel catalysts in the liquid phase was performed. The mechanism of hydrogen activation on the surface of promoted aluminum-Nickel catalysts is investigated.

The catalysts developed by us allow us to improve traditional processes in terms of eliminating numerous stages of purification and isolation of intermediate products by achieving a quantitative yield of cyclohexane. They make it possible to implement a single-reactor combined (hybrid) process for obtaining cyclohexane.

The publication is recommended for chemists and technologists, specialists in the field of heterogeneous catalysis and processing of petroleum products, students and undergraduates, and anyone interested in theoretical and practical problems of catalysis.

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