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научных, технических, учебно-методических и литературно-художественных изданий

Закономерности теплообмена при кипении на пористых поверхностях

ГруппаУчебная литература
Название на русском языкеЗакономерности теплообмена при кипении на пористых поверхностях
Авторы на русском языкеВиталий Литвиненко
Название на английском языкеHeat exchange mechanisms during boiling on porous surfaces
Авторы на английском языкеVitali Litvinenko
Вид издания на русском языкекнига
Издательство на русском языкеLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishung, 2019. - 71 с.





Boiling processes of hydrocarbons are rather widely applied in various industries (power engineering, refrigerating equipment, gas, chemical and other industries). So, for example, in the process of obtaining of liquefied gases used as the fuel in public utility and industrial units, cooling technology in the units for liquefying them depending on the required level of temperature, This is provided due to boiling of such cooling agents as propane, ethylene, methane or their mixtures, in shell sides of evaporator exchangers. These processes are rather energy consuming, and heat exchangers are material consuming. Therefore, the problem of provision of more effective and compacted heat exchangers is urgent and top priority scientific and technological problem. Solution of this problem will secure considerable saving of power engineering, material and labour resources. Researches of many authors showed that application of various porous coatings onto steam generating surfaces leads to essential intensification of heat exchange during boiling. 


Издание "Закономерности теплообмена при кипении на пористых поверхностях" (Виталий Литвиненко) отмечено наградой