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Название на русском языкеTHE TORY PARTY 1760-1832: POLITICS, RELIGION AND IDENTITY
Авторы на русском языкеKlochkov V.V.
Название на английском языкеTHE TORY PARTY 1760-1832: POLITICS, RELIGION AND IDENTITY
Авторы на английском языкеKlochkov V.V.
Вид издания на русском языкемонография
Издательство на русском языкеКубанский государственный университет


This book examines the ideas which underpinned early nineteenth century Toryism and their development in the late eighteenth century. It argues that a distinct, coherent, refined Tory identity emerged from the Tory splits between 1827 and 1830. This was preceded by a process of renegotiation and consolidation in Tory ideology and identity from 1760 onwards. The period between the accession of George Ш, in 1760, and the passage of the First Reform Act, in 1832, witnessed consistent and sustained crises regarding the constitution established in Church and state. The outbreak of revolutions in America and France reinvigorated debates regarding the nature and location of political sovereignty as well as the relationship between the crown and parliament.

Lengthy wars against each nation were followed by severe economic depressions, the apparent proliferation of domestic political radicalism, and intermittent, but determined, demands for parliamentary reform. In addition, there were persistent attempts to alter the religious basis of the constitution to accommodate both Protestant pluralism and, from 1801, predominantly Catholic Ireland. This thesis contends that the debates surrounding these issues contributed to the rehabilitation and renegotiation of late seventeenth-century and early eighteenth-century Tory ideas. It also contends that, in moments of crisis and reaction, old Toryism converged with the conservative elements of an increasingly fractured Whig tradition in defence of the constitutional status quo. This convergence, apparent in the opening decades of George Ill's reign, was consolidated in the context of the French Revolution. Consequently, after 1812, abroad, but loose, ideological consensus emerged, labelled as Tory, underpinned by anti- populism, commitment to the preservation of Christian orthodoxy, and the establishment of the

Church of England. However, below this broad ideological umbrella, differences persisted which created tensions, contributing to the divisions between 1827 and 1830, and, through them, the refinement of Tory identity.

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