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Heat Power Plants at Oil and Gas Industrial Objects

ГруппаУчебная литература
Название на русском языкеHeat Power Plants at Oil and Gas Industrial Objects
Авторы на русском языкеMoiseev B.V., Zemenkov Yu.D., Bogatenkov Yu.V., Nalobin N.V.
Название на английском языкеТеплоэнергетические установки на объектах нефтегазовой промышленности
Авторы на английском языкеМоисеев Б.В., Земенков Ю.Д., Богатенков Ю.В., Налобин Н.В.
Вид издания на русском языкеучебник
Издательство на русском языкеТюмень: РИО ТюмГАСУ, 2015. – 224 р.


In oil and gas and chemical industries different kinds of heat power engineering and heat technological equipment are used. The most widespread are heat-mass exchangers.

In the process of training engineering skills of any speciality first of all it should pay attention to the study of the theoretical fundamentals of the discipline and only then pass on to learning the equipment, for example, the design of heat-power objects. This course presents a teaching aid for the students of higher educational institutions. In the textbook the foundations of heat power engineering, the problems of engineering thermodynamics, combustion processes, set up of boiler units, steam-driven gas turbines and internal combustion engines are described in brief terms.

Natural energy resources are widely used for work conversion not only at heat power plants but also at heat-power and heat-reclaiming devices. It is necessary to pay special attention to gain in performance of new installations and aggregates.

The textbook is oriented for the masters studying the speciality 130500 “Oil and Gas Business” written according with the course program “Heat Power Equipment at Oil and Gas Industrial Objects”. Its main task is getting acquainted of prospective specialists with the device of the equipment using heat, methods of the rational choice in hardware design and installations at oil and gas objects.

Издание "Heat Power Plants at Oil and Gas Industrial Objects" (Moiseev B.V., Zemenkov Yu.D., Bogatenkov Yu.V., Nalobin N.V.) отмечено наградой