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Mathematical analysis I

ГруппаНаучная литература
Название на русском языкеMathematical analysis I
Авторы на русском языкеAitenova G.M., Abdikalikova G.A., Omargaliyeva T.A., Sharabassova G.Y.
Название на английском языкеМатематический анализ I
Авторы на английском языкеАйтенова Г.М., Абдикаликова Г.А., Омаргалиева Т.А., Шарабассова Г.Ю.
Вид издания на русском языкеучебное пособие
Издательство на русском языкеУральск: Редакционно-издательский Центр ЗКГУ им. М.Утемисова, 2018. - 132 с.


The study guide "Mathematical analysis I" is compiled in accordance with the program of the course "Mathematical Analysis" specialties Mathematics and Physics and it is intended to assist students in studying this discipline.

Purpose of the study guide"Mathematical analysis I":

- Use the knowledge English language definition and the theorem the Limit of a function and properties of continuous functions and differentiable functions and the integral and the derivative and its applications to problems and examples.

- Has fundamental knowledge on mathematical analysis.

- This course studies the axiom system and some general properties of the set of real numbers and basic lemmas connected with the completeness of the real numbers and the basic theorems of differential calculus and definition of the integral and description of the set of integrable functions linearity, additivity and monotonicity of the integral and examples of mathematical analysis.

This book has been aimed primarily at mathematicians desiring (as is proper) to obtain thorough proofs of the fundamental theorems, but who are at the same time interested in the life of these theorems outside of mathematics itself. The characteristics of the present course connected with these circumstances reduce basically to the following: In the exposition. Within each major topic the exposition is as a rule inductive, sometimes proceeding from the statement of a problem and suggestive heuristic considerations toward its solution to fundamental concepts and formalisms. In the exposition of the theory we have tried (to the extent of our knowledge) to point out the most essential methods and facts and avoid the temptation of a minor strengthening of a theorem at the price of a major complication of its proof.

Manual consists of 6 chapters. Each chapter includes a theoretical material and the practical exercises on sections of mathematics:

• Some general mathematical concepts and notation.

• The real numbers.

• Limits.

• Continuous functions.

• Differential calculus.

• Integration.

The manual provides examples and tasks for independent solution. Teaching manual is recommended for use in the classroom for mathematics.

The proposed training manual is designed to assist students of Mathematics and Physics specialties of higher education institutions in the study of mathematics in English. The basic methods and methods of mathematical analysis are considered in the manual. The examples and tasks presented in the training material, allow you to successfully master the knowledge of the discipline under study.

The manual contains: some general mathematical concepts and notation, the real numbers, limits, continuous functions, differential calculus, integration.

Издание "Mathematical analysis I" (Aitenova G.M., Abdikalikova G.A., Omargaliyeva T.A., Sharabassova G.Y.) отмечено наградой