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Structure-Dynamic Analysis of fuelsand oils by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance relaxometry . Part 1

ГруппаУчебная литература
Область науки
Технические науки
Название на русском языкеStructure-Dynamic Analysis of fuelsand oils by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance relaxometry . Part 1
Авторы на русском языкеKashaev R. S.- H.
Название на английском языкеStructure-Dynamic Analysis of fuelsand oils by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance relaxometry . Part 1
Авторы на английском языкеKashaev R. S.- H.


Textbook is devoted to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method application to the and physical-chemical parameters study of fuels, oils, oil/water emulsions and dispersions. Temperature and components dependences of relaxation times and influence of several factors are discussed. Obtained experimental correlations became the basis for express-methods of dispersion characteristics and other physical-chemical parameters determination.

The arrangement and conditions for the measurements and apparature parameters are described. NMR-apparatus for on-line express-control is presented. Express-methods for determination in oil/water emulsions using NMR are described. Distribution of the droplets is determined also using magnetic field pulse gradient.

Method for on-line water concentration in crude oil and oil/water/gas mixtures determination is presented. Apparatus for the oil/water emulsion dehydration is described.


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